Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Less Dairy Equals a Happier Baby

Now two months, Kate is doing so well! She is definitely growing, and we’ve already had to put away the newborn clothes. It was harder than I thought it would be packing away those cute, little outfits – I was definitely an emotional wreck.

 It’s been fun learning watching her personality develop. I definitely think she is going to be a social butterfly because she loves to be up and with us. Her favorite activity is staring at faces, she smiles so big that I think any day now she’s going to give us the biggest laugh.  It’s so much fun talking to her and seeing her smile back. She’s starting to make noises back at us too. 

We took our first family mini-vacation and she was such a delight. She slept the whole drive there and back, never gave us any trouble going to bed at night and was happy to tag along when we went.  It was really fun to get away and have some quality family time.

We’re still adjusting to life with a baby and being a family of four. The hardest adjustment came about a month ago; I noticed that my sweet baby became a crying, gassy mess and she developed a rash on her cheeks that looked like eczema. My first thought was colic. For the next few days, one of us was always crying. It was tough, I remember calling Tom at work one day because she looked so miserable and I was at a complete loss. After a few days, I started writing down everything I ate to see if maybe something I was eating was bothering her. After eliminating and reintroducing different foods, I found that she was having a hard time with the dairy in my diet.  I’ve eliminated dairy as best I can (I had no idea dairy was in practically everything we eat) and she is doing so much better. It’s definitely hard because now that I can’t have milk or cheese, I crave them but it’s worth it to have a happy baby.  Hopefully this won’t last too long.

2 Month Old Stats:

  • Weight – 8 pounds, 9 ounces
  • Length – 22 inches
  • Milestones – Starting to coo and make noises when we talk to her.
  • Favorite Toy – Bouncy seat, she loves to sit up and be close to us.
  • Favorite Activity – Staring at faces and having people talk to her.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hard to Believe She is One Month Old

Gosh, the time really does go by fast! It feels like just yesterday I found out that I was pregnant, now my baby girl is one month old. These last few weeks have been a whirlwind of diaper changes, late-night feedings and constant visitors. After trying every labor-inducing old wives tale, I ended up having a c-section. The first few days after the surgery were tough, it was hard to get out of bed and walking around was painful but I was surprised at how quickly I began feeling better. I was given the option to spend a third night at the hospital because Katelyn was born so late in the afternoon but after two nights I was ready to be home. We had a wonderful stay at Fauquier Hospital’s Family Birthing Center, and the nurses we had were outstanding. But I was ready to use all of the baby items that had been sitting around my house for months. The first week home was really special as we all adjusted to being a family of four.

Katelyn is such a sweet-natured baby. She loves to snuggle and seems so curious about everything. Most of the time she has a serious look on her face but now that she’s learned to smile you can catch her beautiful grin. Every time I see it, it never fails to melt my heart.

We are breastfeeding and since day one she’s been a great eater. I was one proud momma when I learned she’d gained back all of the weight she lost after birth, plus some by her second week doctor’s appointment. Now that hubby is back at work and Evan is back in school we’ve been enjoying mommy-daughter time. She loves taking walks and sitting out on the back deck. There have been a few hard days as well, which my mom and mother-in-law assured me are normal. They are probably due to a combination of factors which I’m sure include everything from my crazy hormones, to something I ate or her simply being upset.

Now that Katelyn is here, a weekly post will be quite a challenge but I wanted a way to continue documenting our journey. Check back for monthly updates on how we’re doing and to see how she is changing!

1 Month Stats:

  • Weight – 7 lbs 10 oz (last weighed at 2 week checkup)
  • Length – 20 inches (last measured at 2 week checkup)
  • Milestones – Daddy gave her the first bottle at 2 1/2 weeks old. She’s started smiling! Sleeps for 7 to 8 hour stretches at night!
  • Favorite Toy – Prince Lionheart Slumber Bear, she won’t sleep without him!
  • Favorite Activity – Taking walks in her stroller

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dear Katelyn

We would like to introduce our baby girl Katelyn Marie Floyd!
Born at Fauquier Hospital on Wednesday, August 14, 2013 at 4:34 p.m. Weighing in at 7 pounds, 4 ounces and 20 inches long.   


Dear Katelyn,

I don’t know if I can accurately put into words just how excited I am to finally meet you. These past few weeks have seemed like an eternity and the anticipation has been overwhelming at times. Since I found out I was pregnant with you my life has been forever changed. Becoming a mom doesn’t start at birth, it starts the moment you find out you are pregnant – one day you’ll know just what I mean when you become a mom yourself. I feel as though I already know so much about you even though we’ve never laid eyes on each other. 

Ever since the day that daddy and I found out we were pregnant my thoughts have been entirely consumed with you and everything I’ve done has been with you in mind. It’s been a joy watching my tummy grow larger and feeling you grow inside of me. Feeling your gentle nudges and kicks have been the best parts of my day. I love that when I get distracted by something you gently remind me you’re there by kicking me in the ribs or nudging me with an elbow. As if on cue, you nudge me now; you must know I’m distracted with writing this letter. 

Although I don’t know everything that you’re future holds I have been dreaming of all the potential your life holds for you. I often think about all of the things that we will be able to do together, all the laughs that we’ll share and the memories to be created. Life will go by so fast; it is my hope that you are able to enjoy every second of it and live life to its fullest. I know I will cherish every moment that I have with you as my little baby nestled in my arms. I can’t wait to watch you grow and be a role model that you can look up to. Life is a journey and I will be there to help guide you every step of the way.

Katelyn, I am so honored to be your mom and so blessed to have you in my life. For now I will continue to dream about you and look forward to our first few moments together. My life is so much more complete with you in it. I love you, baby girl.


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Come on Baby!

Now that I’m officially 40 weeks and my doctor is on vacation, maybe that’ll be enough to send baby girl headed for the exit?! I feel like a child on Christmas Eve; the excitement is almost unbearable. So far, baby girl’s not really showing any signs of leaving her nest anytime soon. I’m a mix of emotions now, sad because a C-section deadline is looming, but yet I can’t help but feel good knowing that baby girl is safe and still growing. For me personally, it is so hard knowing that a C-section lies ahead, but at the same time I know there’s a reason she’s still hanging in there – so I can only be but so disappointed. My disappointment doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that she hasn’t been born yet – I didn’t want her to necessarily be born early – it has to do with my worries over having a C-section. Because my last pregnancy was a C-Section, if this pregnancy ends in another C-section I will not be allowed to have a vaginal delivery for any future pregnancies.

Since I haven’t made any progress, it’s hard to believe that my body could still do what it needs to. In the end it doesn’t really matter of course, as long as she’s healthy. I’m taking comfort in the fact that no matter how she is born, in just a little over a week I’ll be holding her in my arms!

Update from my week 39 appointment – It went well, I haven’t gained any weight over the last couple of weeks but I was assured that this is pretty common. Baby girl is measuring fine and her heartbeat sounds great – Dr. Wesley Hodgson even commented on how active she is. He did check me and I have not made any progress. I admit I was extremely disappointed, and before we left his office I broke down. It was then that we discussed C-section dates and that now we have a deadline. I won’t go in to be checked this week since he is on vacation. I will go back early next week and if I have not made any progress on my own, then a c-section will be scheduled midweek. Here’s to hoping Baby girl makes the descent on her own!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Week behind Schedule

Between my hectic schedule at work and trying to finalize everything at home, I barely had a chance to write last week so I thought I would combine week 38 & 39.  Our medical camp program at the hospital is in full swing and it’s been a blast working with the kids – we even had a local TV station come out and film a few different camp sessions. I’ve also been in the process of training someone who will be taking over for me while I am out on maternity leave. It’s been so awesome working with her and knowing that I’m not leaving my co-workers in a bind while I’m gone. My evenings have been consumed with last-minute appointments and quality time with Evan and Tom. I’ve been trying to savor every moment of it being just the three of us.

Well, I can finally say that baby girl’s room is officially ready! I had so much fun working it, spending countless hours searching Pinterest for ideas. It took a crew of our family to paint and hang wallpaper to make my vision come to life. Hubby teases that her room is nicer than our room – and I have to admit, he is right. Now if only I can convince him to let me redecorate every room in the house. :)

Our weekly check up with Dr. Hodgson went well. He told me to relax and try to rest. My due date is still August 2 – we haven’t changed that – but I have been consistently measuring a week behind, so that does mean that my due date is probably off by a week. I feel slightly better knowing that I have more time before I have to decide how far past my due date to wait before scheduling a C-section. The only problem is that Dr. Hodgson is scheduled to be on vacation when I’m 40 weeks, so there is a possibility that he could be on vacation when I go into labor. I’m trying really hard not to worry about this, BUT I’m really hoping he’s here for her delivery. I feel comfortable with his partner, Dr. Lorraine Chun -- she’s great – but Dr. Hodgson has been there with us every step of this journey, and I’d love it if he was there with us to welcome baby girl into the world. 

I’m looking forward to my doctor’s appointment this Friday. We should find out if baby girl and I have made any progress. Look for an update in next week’s blog. She is definitely lower and I’m feeling more pressure -- hopefully she’s planning her escape.