Thursday, August 8, 2013

Come on Baby!

Now that I’m officially 40 weeks and my doctor is on vacation, maybe that’ll be enough to send baby girl headed for the exit?! I feel like a child on Christmas Eve; the excitement is almost unbearable. So far, baby girl’s not really showing any signs of leaving her nest anytime soon. I’m a mix of emotions now, sad because a C-section deadline is looming, but yet I can’t help but feel good knowing that baby girl is safe and still growing. For me personally, it is so hard knowing that a C-section lies ahead, but at the same time I know there’s a reason she’s still hanging in there – so I can only be but so disappointed. My disappointment doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that she hasn’t been born yet – I didn’t want her to necessarily be born early – it has to do with my worries over having a C-section. Because my last pregnancy was a C-Section, if this pregnancy ends in another C-section I will not be allowed to have a vaginal delivery for any future pregnancies.

Since I haven’t made any progress, it’s hard to believe that my body could still do what it needs to. In the end it doesn’t really matter of course, as long as she’s healthy. I’m taking comfort in the fact that no matter how she is born, in just a little over a week I’ll be holding her in my arms!

Update from my week 39 appointment – It went well, I haven’t gained any weight over the last couple of weeks but I was assured that this is pretty common. Baby girl is measuring fine and her heartbeat sounds great – Dr. Wesley Hodgson even commented on how active she is. He did check me and I have not made any progress. I admit I was extremely disappointed, and before we left his office I broke down. It was then that we discussed C-section dates and that now we have a deadline. I won’t go in to be checked this week since he is on vacation. I will go back early next week and if I have not made any progress on my own, then a c-section will be scheduled midweek. Here’s to hoping Baby girl makes the descent on her own!

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