I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing Memorial Day weekend! We spent several days down at my in-laws new vacation home at the Homestead. It was a fun and relaxing getaway. We enjoyed delicious meals, relaxed by the pool and spend some quality family time. I can’t think of a better way to send a holiday weekend. If only it had been a few more days. :)
I’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster these past few weeks. Whether or not I’m overwhelmed, happy or sad, It seems like my first reaction to any situation is to cry. I find it typically happens in the morning or evening.
Just the other morning on the way to take Evan to school, we had a conversation about who he wanted as his fourth grade teacher. The teacher just happened to be someone I used to know when my parents had their old business. It sparked memories of the past and my old job working for my parents. BAM, the tears start flowing.
I am the type of person that feels like I can and have to do it all. I am really bad at asking for help because I think I can handle it all, whether it’s housework, cooking or taking Evan to his different sporting events. I realize that I have a wonderful support system that is eager to help, I just have to ask, but I still find that difficult to do.
When I do ask, I am reminded of how thankful I am to have these folks in my life. My parents live in the area and are eager and able to watch Evan whenever we need to attend a baby class or just have a night to ourselves. My in-laws have come in to town to help with painting and prep for baby girl. The women in my life have been great listeners. They patiently provide sounding boards for my day-to-day troubles, and they reassure me about any fears I have about the new baby.
I know hubby is overwhelmed as well, but he is my rock. He is patient, calm and talks through situations with me. He worries about my weight, my physical activity or if I am eating properly, and he is always looking out for me and baby girl. He is also very aware of Evan. He wants to make sure that Evan is a part of this process and never feels left out. I cannot tell you how much this means to me; we are truly doing this as a family.
I think it’s time to sit down with hubby and share my to-do list with him so he can help me weed out the possibly ridiculous items and figure out a way to accomplish the rest. I probably should have done this a while ago.
This week I had another check up with Dr. Wesley Hodgson, and everything is right on track. I can’t believe it, but we will start going to him every two weeks now. Where has the time gone? Only 11 more weeks!
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