Thursday, May 16, 2013

Oh Momma

I hope every mom out there had fabulous Mothers Day! We spent the weekend down in Richmond with my mom and dad. It was nice to have a little weekend getaway with my guys and spend Mother’s Day with my mom. An added bonus – we got to help celebrate my sister’s 21st birthday.
I’ve been feeling very pregnant this past week. I caught a nasty cold, which made for a long week. Being sick and pregnant is the worst feeling. I didn’t think it was possible to feel that tired. Every ounce of my body was exhausted. I’m still not quite sure how I made it to work or managed to clean the house last week.
It’s been a personal choice of mine to avoid medicine while pregnant. I was given a list of meds that I could take, but I just feel like the less baby girl is exposed to during her development, the better. Needless to say, I suffered through the week, and then finally broke down and took an approved medicine that helped me feel better just in time for our trip.
I’ve also noticed that the skin around my stomach feels very tight and gets dry quickly, so I’ve been lathering on the lotion more frequently. So far, no new “marks of motherhood.” I’m hoping it stays that way! Baby girl is definitely getting stronger and those little feet of hers seem to like beating on my rib cage. I love feeling her move around. It’s the oddest -- the coolest -- feeling I’ve ever had.

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