Work is so busy right now, with two big events to help organize. And my finals are next week! I keep telling myself it will all be over soon, but it feels like I will never be able to relax.
I love how every pregnancy book, article and website tells pregnant women they have to relax, put their feet up and eat healthy. They make it sound so simple. I wish they’d be more realistic when they give advice to the preggos of the world, like me.
Sometimes after reading, I feel bad for being so busy, like I’m doing something bad for my baby. I think they should offer some practical advice for pregnant women who work and don’t have a nanny or a live-in chef. Between taking care of the house, my husband and child (did I mention that we have a dog too?), I barely have time to eat healthy, let alone sit down and kick back.
OK, enough of my rant; I may be slightly exhausted and a bit cranky writing this post. Does it show?
On a more exciting note – we had another great appointment with Dr. Wesley Hodgson this week. Hubby is still concerned about my lack of weight gain, but according to Dr. Hodgson, I’m measuring right where I need to be and he isn’t a bit concerned. I have to admit I’ve been too exhausted this week to even think about worrying. Baby girl’s heart rate was nice and strong and she even gave Dr. Hodgson a few good kicks while we were there.
The downside of the appointment was the reminder about my diabetes screening. This is a mandatory test every woman receives between 24 and 28 weeks to test for gestational diabetes. While I am at low risk, this test is required for everyone since gestational diabetes typically does not show symptoms. I have to take the diabetes screening before my next appointment, and I’m not really looking forward to that. If you’ve never had to take one, you drink this super sweet thick drink and then wait an hour and go back to have your blood drawn. Not my favorite.
I bought my first pair of maternity clothes, two pairs of shorts for the summer. My tummy is finally starting to grow!
Sweet Evan comment of the week “Mom, you’re glowing!” He’s such a sweetheart. J
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