Thursday, May 9, 2013

Three Months and Counting

As I’m sitting here writing this post and thinking about how different things will be in three months, I’m overwhelmed with emotions. Baby Girl will be here and our lives will be turned upside down. Maybe three months from now, she’ll be snuggled up with me as I’m writing a blog post.
It’s a little nerve-wracking to think about the changes to come. We’ll go from a family of three to a family of four. Evan will no longer be the only child in the house. Nights will become a lot more sleepless and I’m sure there will be days where won’t feel “put together.”
It’s easy for me to stress over every little detail, but today I feel comforted that if she arrived early, we are ready. She has two eager parents and a big brother excited to meet her. That’s more important than wallpaper and curtains, anyway.
We’ve made it to the 26 week mark. This milestone means that if in the unlikely event she were to be born today, baby girl would be just fine. This also means that I’m now entering the third trimester -- and definitely starting to feel pregnant. 
My baby bump still isn’t the biggest but there’s definitely no denying it now. Regular clothes still fit but it feels like they won’t for much longer. I just ordered the cutest maternity bathing suit for the summer. Exercising still feels great and I’m still keeping up with my normal routines and pace, which I think is definitely helping keep aches and pains to a minimum; mentally it helps too. If anyone has any advice on beating the fatigue though, I would welcome it.

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