Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pregnant at Work

It’s hard to know what to do about work when you find out that you’re pregnant. Navigating the unknowns of when to tell your boss, what your HR department needs to know and what your rights are can be tricky. Each company is unique so whether you are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, talking with your HR department is important. It is also recommended to look into your rights before you get pregnant so you can plan accordingly. Some benefits -- such as short-term disability -- usually require you to enroll before becoming pregnant. I made sure to do my research about three months before getting pregnant so we could plan.

I decided to wait and share my big news with everyone – coworkers and friends -- until after my first trimester. I have a wonderful relationship with my boss and my coworkers and couldn’t wait to tell them! My company offers leave under the FMLA – Family Medical Leave Act, which gives parents the ability to take up to 12 weeks off work. Since I have the ability to take up to 12 weeks, I am planning to take the full 12 weeks to stay at home with baby girl. My company does not offer paid maternity leave, so I have been saving all of my PTO time and should have enough saved to receive two paychecks after baby girl is born. I also purchased short-term disability before getting pregnant. According to my plan, I have to be off work for 14 days before beginning to receive my short-term disability pay. As long as baby girl is born within a week or two of her due date I should receive two paychecks and then my disability will start.

I always find that it feels good to have a plan.

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