Monday, July 22, 2013

Boo-Boos, Giggles and “Oh My” Moments

Sharing a life with a child brings about many things including boo boos, giggles and “oh my” moments.  Anything from scraped knees to giggles on Christmas morning.  But, the “oh my” comes from watching your child grow into a beautiful young lady learning and growing from her life’s journey, becoming a loving and nurturing daughter, wife and mother.  Now that’s an “oh my” moment!
Life is full of ups and downs but a family’s love and support are gifts that keep on giving (in many ways).  Having Tom as a part of our family, has been a true blessing.  He is truly an awesome husband, father and son-in-law.  Evan and baby girl are so fortunate to have such warm and loving parents.  As grandparents, it brings us great delight to be a part of the next cycle of boo boos, giggles and ‘oh my” moments.
We love you Brittany, Tom, Evan & baby girl! We are here for you all; cheering, loving and praying for you every step of the way.  We are so excited!
Mom & Dad
Sandy & Scott Merriman

It seems as though it was only yesterday when our children were enjoying an autumn afternoon as kids; and now in the blink of an eye Tom is poised and excited to be a Father of a newborn! We, as his parents, know what a wonderful father Tom will be as he has many of the natural qualities that come with being a great dad and devoted father. He has always been a great role model for his younger siblings. Together with Brittany they will be wonderful parents and we can’t wait to share in their joy!

 Mike and Sam

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