Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Loves and Dislikes

As the days pass by I can’t help but feel mixed emotions about my pregnancy being almost over. I am so excited to meet baby girl and there’s a part of me that can’t wait for it to be over. Another part of me is really sad it’s almost over because I’ve thoroughly enjoyed being pregnant. I’ve compiled a list of loves and dislikes during my pregnancy.


  • I’ll miss the random kick or knee poke that she gives me when I’m rushed or stressed and haven’t felt her in a while. It’s like she’s telling me, “hey mom, don’t forget I’m here!”
  • Feeling her move in general – it’s so reassuring and so fascinating.
  • The sense of purpose that comes along with being pregnant.
  • Seeing the joy on strangers’ faces when they notice my pregnant belly.
  • Being able to eat a few extra calories each day.
  • Sharing the excitement and joy with my husband.
  • Prepping the nursery :).

  • Having to use the bathroom ALL THE TIME.
  • Having to use the bathroom every time I visit the doctor.
  • Having to sleep on my side – I can’t wait to sleep on my tummy again.
  • Not being able to eat sushi (raw fish).
  • Not being able to run – I’m really looking forward to good hard workout.
  • Feeling huge and out of shape even though I’ve been going to the gym consistently.
  • Maternity Clothes – I’m tired of wearing the same clothes week after week.

Despite the dislikes, I have been blessed with a very easy and healthy pregnancy. I’m going to miss being pregnant but I cannot wait to meet baby girl. Our check up with Dr. Lorraine Chun went as smoothly as all of the other appointments – she is very sweet and outgoing. Baby girl’s heartbeat sounds strong and I’m measuring fine. Next week we’ll find out for sure if she is in the head down position – the first step in what will hopefully lead to a successful VBAC. Fingers crossed!

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