Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Bring on the Sugar Buffet!

Recently I’ve started to notice how much my appetite has increased. I used to be able to get by with a banana for breakfast and a small salad at lunch. Now, I feel like I’m eating everything! Grocery shopping with me these days is an adventure. I used to always dread going to the grocery store -- to the point that I mapped out a plan of attack and only bought what was on my list.  Now I wander down the aisles list free and have discovered a number of delicious new foods. Who knew?!  If you’ve never tried Pepperidge Farms Apple or Cherry Turnovers, don’t. Seriously, you will become addicted!

Not only has my appetite increased, but I’ve found that the foods I’m craving are not the healthiest. When I was pregnant with Evan, the unhealthiest craving I had was pancakes.  And boy did I eat a lot of pancakes. For the most part, I craved a lot of healthier foods like fruit.

Things are so different with this pregnancy! I try to eat healthy and do all the things they suggest,  but this little peanut must have a sweet tooth because I could eat ice cream, donuts and cinnamon buns all day long! While I was browsing the aisles at the store on Monday, I got this overwhelming craving for Twizzlers. And like most pregnant women, I gave into temptation.

It’s funny to be writing about how much I could eat right now, when last week I was complaining about not feeling pregnant.  I am slowly gaining weight week by week and while I may complain that I am not showing, I know that my body is doing all the things it needs to be doing. One day you will be able to tell on the outside that I’m pregnant.


  1. CONGRATS Brittany! I'm so excited for you!!!

  2. Enjoy! Eat some for me, too. Love you baby girl. Mom
