Friday, March 1, 2013

Two Faint Pink Lines

It is hard to believe that I am almost halfway through my pregnancy! I can still vividly recall the moment when we found out we were expecting our little peanut. It was the day before Thanksgiving and we were about to head to Tom’s family house for our annual turkey tradition -- wine drinking with Tom’s mom was also part of this tradition.  We had been trying to get pregnant and with my anticipated period only days away, I thought it was better to be safe before indulging in the dinner drinks. 

Tom and I met at home for lunch that afternoon, and I took a home pregnancy test. Five minutes later, the test showed one solid line and the faintest second line. Confused about what this might mean, we decided to wait to say anything and take the second test the next morning, since they say that’s when you’ll have the most HGC in your system.

On Thanksgiving morning I snuck down the hall at my in-laws house and took the second test. We I returned to the bedroom with the pregnancy test, the results were the same. We knew then that we were expecting another Floyd and couldn’t wait to share the new with Tom’s parents! 

They say that each pregnancy is unique and I have found that to be so very true. When I was pregnant with my son, Evan, I had no morning sickness whatsoever; I ate anything and everything that I wanted. Sadly, the same cannot be said about this pregnancy.  Although, I don’t think my morning sickness was as bad as they say it can be, it was still awful.

I found what worked best for me was eating something right after waking up and then eating small meals throughout the day, as well as maintaining daily exercise.  I am happy to report that over the last few weeks, the nausea has subsided and although the fatigue is still hanging around, I am really happy to be enjoying food again! Now if only my husband would let me enjoy more of that junk food I am craving. :)

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