Thursday, March 14, 2013

Little Kicks

The week was off to a great start with our visit to obstetrician, Dr. Wesley Hodgson. We were not only able to hear the baby’s heartbeat, but we were also able to hear the baby moving in my belly. Boy, was that little peanut putting on a show! Hopefully there will be another performance again in two weeks during our next appointment. What a wonderful way to brighten a Monday.
During this visit, Dr. Hodgson gave us more post-worthy news. Normally you find out the gender during the 20-week appointment, but we are going to find out in week 19! Hubby and I plan to keep the gender of Baby Floyd a secret until our gender reveal party. Stay tuned for more details on the planning and prep as we gear up for the big day!
Just when I thought the week couldn’t get any better, I felt the baby move for the first time. It was Thursday morning and I was still lying on my back in bed. At first I didn’t know what it was, and all of sudden it clicked- I mean kicked. I immediately woke hubby up, grabbed his hand and placed it on my tummy. He could feel it too! I’ve heard that the first time you feel the baby move; it is supposed to be like a flutter. I either missed those so-called “flutters” or I’ve got a future soccer player because it definitely felt more like little kicks.
We’re entering the fifth month next week, and I just can’t believe how fast the time is going!

Evan is excited to become a big brother and answers some tough questions about the new baby.

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