Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pink or Blue?

Tom and I already know, but what do you think the gender is? We're enjoying the fact that it's our little secret, for now. It has been fun to narrow our name search and finally look at baby bedroom items. This is such a special time for us and I am loving every minute. I cannot wait to share the news with everyone, but until the gender reveal party, our lips are sealed!

I am happy to note that our baby was not camera shy; we were able to get a good look at all of the anatomy. Our little peanut is already quite obedient. The ultrasound tech needed baby to turn over to get a full view of its spin -- as soon the tech said this, baby rolled right over. It even looked like the baby smiled for us, which the wonderful tech caught on film for us. :) It was such an exciting day, just knowing that our peanut is looking healthy.

All the details for the party have come together. Invitations have been sent, the menu is done and the cake has been ordered. Don’t go getting any ideas -- the bakers have been sworn to secrecy too! Now all we need is for the party date to get here quickly so we can share the news. I’ve decided to add a fun, surprise gender reveal for my coworkers. I’ve ordered cupcakes with filling in the center to match the color of baby’s gender. I thought this would be a cute way to share the news with them too.

Check back for next week's post when we'll finally reveal pink or blue!

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